Table: User Events (App)

App > Analytics > Table: User Events (App)

This article contains column documentation for the User Events table in the Analytics workspace in App

In this article


The User Events table contains information about queue user events during an interaction. A queue user event is an action that a queue user takes that changes the interaction. For example, when a queue user mutes an interaction, this is recorded as a queue user event.

This table shows: On a certain queue, on a certain interaction, for a certain user, what user event(s) took place?

The majority of these fields are booleans (true / false) that record what kind of event took place. For each user event record, only one of these fields can be true while the others are false. The “true” field indicates what kind of one, single user event took place at one time.

For example, if the user event was a user muting a call, the “Is Interaction Muted” field would be “1” (true) while the rest would be “0” (false). The queue user can only execute one event at a time, so only one event is recorded at a time.

Data sources using this table

This table is included in the following data sources. Click any of the links below to learn more about the data source, including its purpose and any other associated tables. 

Column descriptions

This section alphabetically lists and describes each of the columns in the User Events table.

Created At

Contains the recorded date and time of when the user event took place.


Contains the name of the user event.

Event Display Name

Contains the name of the user event as it appears in your account as a post to the interaction's feed.


Contains the unique identifier of the user event record.

Interaction Id

Contains the unique identifier of the interaction associated with the user event.

Is Answered Attended Transfer

Specifies whether the user event is an attended transfer that was answered.

Values you will see here include:

Is Answered Interaction

Specifies whether the user event is an interaction that was answered.

Values you will see here include:

Is Blind External Transfer

Specifies whether the user event is a blind external transfer.

Values you will see here include:

Is Blind Transfer

Specifies whether the user event is a blind transfer.

Values you will see here include:

Is Canceled Attended Transfer

Specifies whether the user event is a canceled attended transfer.

Values you will see here include:

Is Canceled External Attended Transfer

Specifies whether the user event is a canceled external attended transfer.

Values you will see here include:

Is Completed Attended Transfer

Specifies whether the user event is a completed attended transfer.

Values you will see here include:

Is Completed External Attended Transfer

Specifies whether the user event is a completed external attended transfer.

Values you will see here include:

Is Conference Attended Transfer

Specifies whether the user event is a conference attended transfer.

Values you will see here include:

Is Conference Transfer

Specifies whether the user event is a conference transfer.

Values you will see here include:

Is End Interaction Phone Call

Specifies whether the user event is a phone call during the interaction that ended, which then caused the closing of the interaction.

Values you will see here include:

Is External Attended Conference

Specifies whether the user event is an external attended conference.

Values you will see here include:

Is External Attended Transfer

Specifies whether the user event is an external attended transfer.

Values you will see here include:

Is Ignored Interaction Ring

Specifies whether the user event is an interaction ringing a queue user to answer it, but it’s being ignored. An ignored interaction means the queue user was presented the Accept and Reject buttons and neither button was clicked. 

Values you will see here include:

Is Interaction Closed Unresolved

Specifies whether the user event is an interaction that was marked as close: unresolved, so it was sent back to the queue instead of completed. 

An interaction marked as unresolved is an interaction that’s waiting in Open status for another queue user to manage it, so the interaction is still active and not yet completed. 

Values you will see here include:

Is Interaction Completed

Specifies whether the user event is an interaction that is completed.

Values you will see here include:

Is Interaction Hold Started

Specifies whether the user event is the phone call during the interaction being placed on hold. This column is only applicable for interactions that have a phone call during it. 

Values you will see here include:

Is Interaction Muted

Specifies whether the user event is an interacting being muted.

Values you will see here include:

Is Interaction Removed From Hold

Specifies whether the user event is the phone call during the interaction being removed from hold.

Values you will see here include:

Is Interaction Ring

Specifies whether the user event is an interaction ringing a queue user.

Values you will see here include:

Is Interaction Ring Rejected

Specifies whether the user event is an interaction ring being rejected. This means the queue user clicked the Reject button to decline answering the interaction when it was ringing them.

Values you will see here include:

Is Interaction Unmuted

Specifies whether the user event is the phone call during an interaction being unmuted.

Values you will see here include:

Is Interaction Wrap Up Extended

Specifies whether the user event is an interaction in Wrap Up status having its wrap up time  extended. This means the user clicked the + icon to extend their wrap up time. This column is only applicable for interactions that are hosted in queues that are configured for Wrap Up Extend.

Values you will see here include:

Is Rejected Attended Transfer

Specifies whether the user event is an attended transfer being rejected.

Values you will see here include:

Is Ringing Attended Transfer

Specifies whether the user event is an attended transfer ringing the recipient queue user and they haven’t accepted it yet.

Values you will see here include:

Is Took Interaction Ownership

Specifies whether the user event is the queue user taking ownership of the interaction.

Values you will see here include:

Queue Id

The identifier of the queue associated with the user event.

Values you will see here include:

User Id

The identifier of the queue user associated with the user event.

Values you will see here include: