Overview: Status-routing for inbound calls (App)
App > Settings > Call Settings > Overview: Status-routing for inbound calls (App)
This article provides an overview of the status-routing features for directing inbound calls to your extension in App.
Status-based routing is how you can control where the system sends a phone call ringing your extension based on your user status.
This gives you more options around where best to manage a call based on where you’re working at the moment.
When using this feature, this means that when a call is ringing you, the system will…
Evaluate your user status
See where you want calls routed to based on your current user status
Send the call to that destination
You can define a different destination for each user status type (i.e. Busy, Away, Offline).
For example, if you want to create a “do not disturb” experience when you’re busy working on a project, set the Status Routing - Busy menu in your user profile settings to ‘Voicemail’. This tells the system to send calls straight to your voicemail when your user status is set to ‘Busy’. Or, when you’re not online, you can send calls to your cell phone so you don’t miss a work call. These are just a few examples for how you might use this feature.
When your user status is set to ‘Available’, the system directs the call based on the settings configured for the appropriate Route To menu under your profile settings. So, when your user status is set to ‘Available’ and someone calls your extension, then the system directs the call based on your Extension Route To menu settings.
User status options for routing inbound calls
These are the four user availability status options:
While there are four user availability status options, there are only three Status Routing menus (Away, Busy, and Offline). This is because when your user status is to ‘Available’ status, your extension/DID calls route based on the Ext. Route Calls To menu setting.
Below are the status routing options. Each of these availability statuses can trigger different call routing options.
Status Routing - Away
The Away status indicates that you are on the clock but are not available to respond to communications or calls, like when you are taking a meal break or using the restroom. When “Away”, you can configure the Status Routing - Away menu to route calls received when you’re set to “Away” to any of the status routing destinations.
Status Routing - Busy
The Busy status indicates that you are on the clock and working, but are in a meeting, completing training, focused on a project, etc. So, you’re not ready to respond to communications or calls. When set to “Busy”, you can configure the Status Routing - Busy menu to route calls received when your user is set to “Busy” to send to any of the status routing destinations.
Status Routing - Offline
The Offline status indicates that you are off the clock and not logged into App. When set to “Offline”, you can configure the Status Routing - Offline menu to route calls to any of the status routing destinations.
Status routing destinations
You can route phone calls directed to your extension to the destination that makes sense for you.
These are the available destinations for status-based routing:
IP Endpoints
FW Number
SIP (if a SIP trunk is configured for the user)
Pick the same destination for all your status or pick and choose the destination that makes the most sense for you when you’re using that status.
Configure user status to manage softphone line availability
Have more control over whether your softphone lines are available for ringing or not with status-based routing.
Lean on the status-based routing feature to tell the system when to send your calls to voicemail or somewhere else when your user status is set to a specific status type, like ‘Busy’. This alerts the system to no longer ring you for calls, even if your line keys are open for more calls.
Here’s an example: Imagine you’re on Line 1 having a very important conversation and you prefer to not be interrupted during it. Before the call, you configured your account to send calls to your extension to your voicemail when your user status is set to ‘Busy’.
So, based on your settings, pause all new incoming calls to your extension while on this important phone call by updating your user status to ‘Busy’. This tells the system to send all new phone calls to your extension to your voicemail, even if you still have open line keys.
Visual breakdown
The Status Routing menus give you the ability to route inbound phone calls to your extension based on your availability status. This gives you more options around where best to manage a call based on how you’re working.
A. Extension Calls Route To menu: The Extension Calls Route To menu is where you determine where inbound calls directed to your extension route to when your user status is set to ‘Available’.
B. Queue/Ring Group Calls Route To: The Queue/Ring Group Calls Route To menu is where you determine where the system rings you when you’re receiving an interaction hosted in a queue or when receiving a call as a part of a ring group.
C. Status Routing - Busy menu: The Status Routing - Busy menu is where you determine where inbound calls directed to your extension route to when your user status is set to ‘Busy’.
D. Status Routing - Away menu: The Status Routing - Away menu is where you determine where inbound calls directed to your extension route to when your user status is set to ‘Away’
E. Status Routing - Offline menu: The Status Routing - Offline menu is where you determine where inbound calls directed to your extension route to when your user status is set to ‘Offline.
F. External Forwarding Number field: The External Forwarding Number field is where you define the external phone number where you are routing to for extension/DID or queue calls. This field is connected to the Extension Calls Route To and Queue/Ring Group Calls Route To fields, so configure this field when you want to route calls to your External Forwarding Number.