Overview: Email Signature container in Profile Settings (App)
App > Settings > Profile Settings > Overview: Email Signature container in Profile Settings (App)
This article explains how to modify your email signature in App if you manage email interactions in a queue.
The Email Signature Container in App, is where you edit the text that goes in the footer of an email. Email signatures often include information like your name, position, company, and contact information.
In App, navigate to Settings > Edit Profile > Email Signature container.
These settings are also available for an admin to change in Edify Console (Account > Users > [User]). The system respects the most recent updates to the Email Signature.
Email Signature container
The Email Signature Container is where you edit the text that goes in the footer of an email. Email signatures often include information like your name, position, company, and contact information.
Formatting buttons
The formatting buttons at the top of the container let you customize the text in the Message Body. With these buttons you can change font size, text color, spacing and more.
Message body
Use the message body text area to input the appropriate text and/or brand imagery to align with your business’ branding expectations for when you email out while managing interactions in a queue.
Modify your email signature
4. Click the Profile tab.
5. Navigate to the Email Signature container.
6. Click into the message body text area.
7. Input or modify your signature details.
8. Click Save.