Overview: Authorized Caller IDs in Numbers (Console)
The Authorized Caller IDs workspace in the Numbers page lets you add numbers that aren’t in the system as caller IDs throughout the platform.
In this article
After a number is added, a user must manually verify the number on the number’s detail page and acknowledge the language in the modal that appears.
In Console, navigate to Numbers > Authorized Caller IDs tab.
Add an Authorized Caller ID
Log into Console at console.avaya.cx.
2. Navigate to Numbers > Numbers.
3. Select the Authorized Caller IDs tab.
4. Click the New Authorized Caller ID icon (paper with plus sign).
5. Add a name for the number in the Name field and add the phone number to the Number field of the Create Caller ID modal.
6. Click Save.
This opens the Authorized Caller ID workspace.
7. Click the Pencil icon in the top-right corner of the Authorized Caller ID container.
8. Select Verify, then confirm verification by clicking Verify or clicking Cancel.