Route a phone number (Console)

Console > Numbers > Numbers > Route a phone number (Console)

This article explains how to route a phone number to a destination (like a workflow, queue, or ring group) in Console.

In this article


In Console, the Phone Numbers workspace is where you can view, order, and modify phone numbers tied to your organization’s account. Routing phone numbers to various destinations is done via a number’s configuration page, which is accessible from the Numbers list page of the Phone Numbers workspace.

Selecting a phone number to configure from the Numbers list page

A phone number’s configuration page

Phone number routing is the process of telling the system what to do when someone calls or sends a text message to a phone number. The system can route incoming calls and texts to various destinations, including:

For example, if you want customers who call a number to be immediately put into a queue, you could set the Voice Route To field to “Queue” and the Voice Route Data field to the specific queue you want customers to go to. 

Alternatively, if you want customers to go through a workflow experience (like to gather information or determine intent), you could set the Voice Route To field to “Workflow” and the Voice Route Data to the specific workflow to handle the inbound calls.

The result is, if a customer calls a phone number you’ve routed, the system will automatically route the customer to that destination.

Continue reading this article to learn how to route a phone number.


2. Navigate to Numbers > Phone Numbers.

3. Select the phone number you want to route.

4. Click the pencil icon in the top-right corner of the number container.

5. Click the Voice Route To field and choose a type of destination for the number to route to for phone calls.

6. Click the Voice Route Data field and choose a specific destination for the number to route to. The options in this menu will correspond to the Voice Route To option you chose (a list of queues for Queue, a list of workflows for Workflow, etc.).

7. Click the Message Route To field and choose a type of destination for the number to route to for text messages. Note that options for text messages are fewer than phone; messages can only route to channels, queues, or workflows.

8. Click the Message Route Data field and choose a specific destination for the number to route to. The options in this menu will correspond to the Message Route To option you chose (as described in step 6).

9. When you’re satisfied with your routing configuration, click the Save button in the bottom-right corner of the container.

Once you’ve saved the routing configuration, all phone calls and text messages sent to the number will route to the destinations you defined. You can change these routing configurations at any time and as many times as you’d like.