Overview: Charts (App)

App > Analytics > Overview: Charts (App)

This article provides an overview of Charts, a feature of Analytics in App.

In this article


Charts are really helpful for digesting data in a faster and more meaningful way. The foundation of a chart is a report. This means that once a report is created, one or several charts can be built for it. 

You can build an unlimited number of charts off of a single report. And there are several different types of charts available to you. The number and type of charts that you build for a report is based on the data in the report. Some chart types work better for displaying certain data over other types. 

So, build the types of charts that you need to best display the report data as it makes sense. 

No matter the chart type, once it’s created, you can add it to a dashboard.

Accessing charts

The charts workspace is not automatically available to every user on an account. Charts is only available for users that have access to Analytics. This means that any user that needs access to building charts will need the user permission of ‘Analytics’ enabled. Once a user has the appropriate access set, the user can build charts for reports.

Chart workspaces

The Charts workspace is located in the reports that you build. This means that once you're viewing a report through the editor, you can access and create new charts after you’ve clicked on the Charts tab, which is located in the editor’s sidebar. 

Charts are built within a report, so this workspace is located inside the report that’s the foundation of the chart. 

Once inside the Charts workspace, there are three sub-workspaces that you can work in. They are:

Chart types

You have a variety of options available to choose from when creating charts. These are the types of charts available to you.

Bar chart

Display your data in a chart that uses bars or columns to represent totals for a specific category to make categories easier to compare. These are bar charts. 

For example, you can create a bar chart to compare the total number of interactions an agent has handled hour-by-hour across a specific day.

Big number chart

Display your key numbers as one large number to quickly see specific metrics. These are big number charts. 

For example, a big number chart can be used to display the current average handle time, the number of transfers completed in a queue, the number of available agents in a queue, and more. 

Line chart

Display your data as a line chart to display information that changes continuously over time to compare that data across multiple categories. These are line charts. 

For example, create a line chart to compare specific agent metrics compared to each communication type the agent managed in a specific window of time. This can help answer questions like - how does the average hold time for Isaac Newbury's web chat interactions compare to his SMS interactions and how does this compare to the other agent's in that same queue.

Pie chart

Display your data as a pie graph to illustrate data as proportions or frequencies. These are pie charts.

For example, pie charts help you see the types of interactions managed in a queue, the interaction results for a specific agent, the types of interactions managed in a queue to see how customers are reaching that specific team, and more.

Word cloud chart

Display your text data as a cluster. The importance of each word is shown by enlarging the font size or changing its color. This type of chart is useful for quickly identifying prominent terms that are used during interactions between customers and agents. These are word cloud charts.

For example, build a word cloud based on the sentiment scores column of a queue to quickly see the overall customer sentiment for that queue. Or, build a word cloud based on the interactions type or interaction results column of your report to see what are the more common disposition codes for a queue. These are just a few examples for how to use a word cloud chart.

Gantt chart

Display activities like tasks or events against time. These types of charts are especially useful when you’re interested in seeing data around queue users, like how long a queue user was in a specific status over a period of time, seeing data around the different types of interactions a user was managing over a period of time, and more. These are gantt charts.

Visual breakdown

Use the labeled graphic and descriptions below to get a better understanding of the Charts workspace in App. 

Chart builder workspace