Overview: Dashboards (App)

App > Dashboards > Overview: Dashboards (App)

This article provides an overview of the concept of dashboards in App.

In this article


A dashboard is a tool you can use to display one or more reports or charts all in one view. Dashboards can help you gain insights into your team’s performance. They make your data available at-a-glance in a single, scrolling page. 

Dashboards can display charts, reports, or both. It’s up to you based on what you want to see.

Once you’ve created a report or created a chart, you’ll have the ability to show it in a dashboard. Continue reading this article to learn more about dashboards and how you can leverage them to visualize data.

There are different types of dashboards that you can build.

Dashboards help you see and analyze how your account is performing in one single view.

Dashboard workspaces

Once inside the Dashboards workspace, there are five areas that you’ll be working in. They are:

The list workspace is where you see all the dashboards built on your account. The new dashboard workspace is where you start the process to create a new dashboard, and most importantly, the editor workspace is where you build and modify dashboards, which includes configuring each dashboard container that makes up the dashboard. 

Once a dashboard is created, you can open it in the view workspace to look it over and analyze it.

Who has access to dashboards?

The Dashboards workspace can be accessed in App. However, this workspace can only be accessed with proper user permissions. So, you may or may not have access to Dashboards because it’s  based on how you work inside of your Avaya.cx account. 

To enable or disable Dashboards for users, toggle the 'Dashboards' toggle on or off in the User Permissions container of the Users workspace in Console.

Who can view a dashboard in App?

Additionally, for added security when sharing dashboards between your teams, you can define who has access to viewing it by creating a unique link. These types of settings are defined within the dashboard’s settings.