Table: Workflow Items (App)

App > Analytics > Table: Workflow Items (App)

This article contains column documentation for the Workflow Items table in the Analytics workspace in App.

In this article


The Workflow Items table contains general information about workflow modules across all workflows and workflow versions.

The Workflow Items table shows you what workflow modules are on a particular workflow version. It contains general information about workflow module, including:

Data sources using this table

This table is included in the following data sources. Click any of the links below to learn more about the data source, including its purpose and any other associated tables. 

Column descriptions

This section alphabetically lists and describes each of the columns in the Workflow Items table.

Created By

Contains the unique identifier of the user who created the workflow item.

Created On

Contains the recorded date and time of when the workflow item was created.


Contains general information related to the workflow item like:

This data is used for a primarily internal purpose by Avaya to display and process workflow items.

From Workflow Item Id

Contains the identifier of the workflow item that precedes the workflow item.


Contains the text that displays on the workflow item in the workflow workspace.

Last Updated By

Contains the unique identifier of the user who last modified the workflow item.

Last Updated On

Contains the recorded date and time of when the workflow item was last modified.

Sound File

Contains a link to an audio file if the workflow item recorded any audio.

Text To Speech

Contains any text that will be recited to speech. This field is used for the following workflow items:


Contains the type of workflow module.

Workflow item types include:

Workflow Id

Contains the unique identifier of the workflow that the workflow item is part of.

Workflow Item Id

Contains the unique identifier of the workflow item on a particular workflow version. The unique identifier changes whenever the workflow version changes.

Workflow Version Id

Contains the unique identifier of the workflow version that the workflow time is part of.