Create an access key for a dashboard (App)

App > Dashboards > Create an access key for a dashboard (App)

This article explains how to create an access key for a dashboard in App.

An access key creates a url that allows you to share the dashboard without logging in to App You can limit access to the dashboard through the key by adding an IP Access group.


2. Navigate to the Dashboards workspace.

3. Open the dashboard you want to add an IP group to.

4. Open the dashboard’s Menu (tri-dot icon).

5. Select Edit.

6. Open the dashboard’s Menu (tri-dot icon).

7. Select Settings.

8. Navigate to the Access Keys workspace.

9. Type a name for the Access Key in the Name field.

10. Use the Never Expires toggle to choose if you want the Access Key to expire or not.

11. Click Create Key.

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