Overview: Closing interactions (App)

App > Queue > Interactions > Overview: Closing interactions (App)

This article provides an overview of closing queue interactions in App.


Closing an interaction changes the Home List Status on an active interaction from Connected to Open or Completed and removes the queue user as owner of an interaction.

Close: Resolved and Close: Unresolved button in interaction workspace.

Click the dropdown next to Close: Resolved to choose the Close: Unresolved option.

There are two ways to close an interaction:

If you see the Wrap Up button in place of the Close: Resolved button after a phone call ends, or if the interaction immediately disappears after a phone call ends, an automation is being used to close the interaction. This setting is individually chosen for each user. See Inbound interaction settings and Outbound interaction settings in Overview: User queue settings (Console)

Note: These automations are only available for phone calls.

Close: Resolved

Close: Resolved button

Choose Close: Resolved when an interaction has been resolved. If you are on a phone call with a customer, pressing Close: Resolved will end the phone call and change the Home List Status to Wrap Up. Depending on how the queue is configured, you may have an unlimited amount of time to complete dispositioning tasks on an interaction, or a limited amount of time.

Once all dispositioning tasks are complete, click Wrap Up to change the Home List Status to Completed. If you have a limited amount of time to complete dispositioning tasks, when the time runs out, the interaction will automatically change to Completed status.

Note: Once an interaction reaches Completed status, the interaction status can’t be changed.

Wrap up options

No time limit

No Time Limit: There isn’t a set time amount of time for dispositioning interactions in the queue. Manually Wrap Up the interaction by clicking Wrap Up.

Wrap Up Timer: There is a set amount of time for completing post-interaction work for the interaction before the interaction is Wrapped Up. You can manually click Wrap Up to complete the interaction anytime before the time expires, but when the timer expires, the interaction is automatically wrapped up.

Wrap Up Timer + Wrap Up Extend: There is a set amount of time for completing post-interaction work before the interaction is Wrapped Up, but you can add extra time to the counter in set increments by clicking the extend button to the right of the Wrap Up button. There’s no limit to the number of times you can extend the timer, but once the wrap up timer reaches four or fewer seconds, you won’t be able to extend the wrap up timer.

You can manually click Wrap Up to complete the interaction anytime before the time expires, but when the timer expires, the interaction is automatically wrapped up.

Close: Unresolved

Close: Unresolved button

Click the dropdown v next to the Close: Resolved to access the Close: Unresolved button.

Choose Close: Unresolved if the communication between you and the customer has ended, but the interaction hasn’t been resolved. This immediately returns the interaction to the queue to be managed by another queue user.

Tip: Leave notes regarding the communication in the dispositioning area of the customer details tab or leave a private message in the feed tab of the interaction prior to clicking Close: Unresolved so the next queue user has information to reference.