Overview: Dial By Name Lookup workflow module (Console)
Console > Workflows > Workflow modules > Overview: Dial By Name Lookup workflow module (Console)
This article provides an overview of the Dial By Name Lookup workflow module in Console.
In this article
The Dial By Name Lookup workflow module is usually paired with its companion module: Say + Array. The Dial By Name Lookup module allows the customer to search for a certain individual in your organization they’d like to speak to by providing a first name and last initial.
Once the Dial By Name Lookup module performs a search, it gives the results of the search to the Say + Array module, which then recites the options to the customer. Once the customer selects an option, they can be routed to their selected extension.
How it works
Suppose that you want to create a workflow that allows customers to search for a specific person’s extension by first name and last initial.
You could accomplish this with a subroutine that contains the following two modules:
Dial By Name Lookup
Say + Array
These modules work in tandem to deliver the ability to select an extension by searching and selecting (such as through DTMF input) a specific individual to contact.
The screenshot below shows a very basic subroutine workflow that accomplishes this. Let’s break it down into its constituent steps.
Read more: Overview: Subroutine workflows (Console)
The screenshot above shows a subroutine workflow that prompts the customer to input a name to search, presents the results to the customer to choose from, and returns back to the main workflow.
Step 1: Say + Gather
The Say + Gather module is where you collect information from the caller about who they’d like to contact. In the screenshot above, we have the following text configured to be read to the caller:
Please enter the digits that match the letters of the first name and last initial of the person you are trying to call.
The value provided by the caller via DTMF is saved in a variable called customerInput. This is used by the Dial By Name Lookup module to find results matching the caller’s query.
Step 2: Dial By Name Lookup
The Dial By Name Lookup module searches for users matching the value provided to the Say + Gather module. It compiles the search results into an array, which is another word for a list.
Notice in the screenshot above that the Variable Name is customerInput, which is the same name as the variable we declared in the Say + Gather module in Step 1.
Also note that we declare a new variable called userResults. This is the compiled list of results that will be used by the Say + Array module.
Step 3: Say + Array
The Say + Array module then lists every search result compiled by the Dial By Name Lookup module in Step 2. Note the text in the prompt template field:
Press {{__index}} for {{firstName}} {{lastInitial}}
These are pre-configured variables that we suggest you use. These cycle through the list of results and name the people the caller can choose from.
Press 1 for John S.
Press 2 for Maria R.
Press 3 for Priya S.
And so on. When the customer chooses an option, the corresponding extension (gathered by the Dial By Name Lookup module in Step 2) is saved as a variable.
Step 4: Return
Finally, the subroutine workflow returns to the parent workflow that invoked it. It passes the “nameExtension” variable back to the parent workflow, where the user can be routed to the desired extension.
Visual breakdown
Label: The Label field is where you define a custom name for the workflow module. This can make it easier to see what the module is doing from the workflow editor workspace and this is how the module is referred to in reporting.
Variable Name: The Variable Name field is where you supply the value gathered by the Say + Gather module that precedes the Dial By Name Lookup.
Response: The Response field is where you record the lookup results. We recommend configuring the following:
Name: This is the name of the variable. We recommend this remain “User Results”
Type: This is the type of value being stored. We recommend this remain “Variable”.
Value: In most circumstances, this should be “userResults” exactly.
Template workflow
The system offers a template workflow that features the Dial By Name Lookup and Say + Array modules, so you don’t have to build it from scratch (though you will need to make modifications to meet your needs).
You can find it in Console here: Workflows > Workflow Templates > Dial By Name Subroutine.