Overview: Update Interaction workflow module (Console)
Console > Workflows > Workflow modules > Overview: Update Interaction workflow module (Console)
This article explains the Update Interaction workflow module in Console.
In this article
The Update Interaction workflow module gives you the ability to quickly and easily modify the data on an existing interaction in a queue. This is useful when you need to add or alter data for an interaction.
The Update Interaction module is very similar to the Create Interaction module in that they both give you the ability to manage fields on an interaction. The key difference is that the Update Interaction module adds or modifies information on existing interactions.
Note: There’s no limit to the amount of data you can add or modify at once.
Common use cases
Below are some common use cases for using the Update Interaction module.
Updating customer contact information: Modify the customer’s contact information from what was collected to their preferred information. This is helpful during a callback because the customer can change the phone number that’s called, like if they called from their work phone number but they prefer to get called back on their cell phone. In this scenario, this module collects the preferred phone number from the customer and updates the interaction to use that new phone number for processing the callback.
Updating status event: Use the Update Interaction module to change the interaction’s status, like convert the interaction’s status to ‘Voicemail Start’ to send the call to the queue’s voicemail. Once the interaction processes through the workflow sessions and reaches this module, Hammond changes the interaction’s status to ‘Voicemail Start’. This tells the system to send the interaction to the queue’s voicemail.
Complete expired interactions: Use the Update Interaction module to complete interactions that have been in the queue for too long without undergoing any activity. When an interaction sits in the queue untouched by a queue user for a defined period of time, use this module to automatically complete the interaction and remove it from the queue.
Update completed interaction metrics: Use the Update Interaction module to update the scores and metrics for the completed interaction with customer satisfaction results. When you send a satisfaction survey to customers at the end of an interaction, use this module to collect the score resulting from the customer’s feedback and add it to the coaching tab of the completed interaction.
The Update Interaction module is broken into two sections:
Phone and Messaging configurations
Status configurations
Below is more information about the configuration settings for this module.
The Label field is where you provide a description for the workflow module. This appears on the workflow module in the workflow editor.
Interaction field (Phone and Messaging section)
The Interaction Field menu is where you select which field of the interaction you want to change. This menu includes both standard objects and custom objects, so the options in the menu vary.
The standard objects included are:
Queue Id: The Queue Id is the system-generated identification number of the queue that is hosting/hosted the interaction.
Subject: The Subject is the subject line of the interaction which can contain a short message or piece of data.
Tag Details: The Tag Details include which tag(s) an interaction has assigned.
Phone Number: The Phone Number is the number that the inbound caller called from when the interaction was created.
Inbound Number Name: The Inbound Number Name is the name assigned to the phone number that the customer dialed which resulted in the creation of the interaction.
Inbound Number: The Inbound Number is the number the customer dialed that resulted in the creation of the interaction.
Name: The Name is the name of the customer who has reached your business based on the carrier provided name information.
Email: The Email is the email address of the customer who initiated the interaction.
Routing Details Email: The Routing Details Email is the email address that is associated with the workflow route when processing the session.
Result: The Result is the resulting interaction classification selected by the queue user who manages the interaction; this is displayed as the “End Result” in the customer details tab of the interaction in App.
Notes: The Notes are any comments that the queue use who manages the interaction inputs into the Notes dispositioning field of the interaction as a means to describe the nature of the communication.
Points: The Points are points assigned to the interaction in order to determine its priority level.
Type: The Type is an interaction classification selected by the queue user who manages the interaction; this is displayed as the “Interaction Type” in the customer details tab of the interaction in App and is used to classify the nature of the interaction.
Type menu (Phone and Messaging section)
The Type menu allows you to select the specific data you want changed.
For example, if you want to display the phone number that the customer called in with, the Interaction Field menu is set to ‘Phone Number’ and the Type and Value menus are set to tell the system to look for the phone number that called the system. To do this, set the Type menu to ‘Source’ (indicating to look for the origin point of the call) and set the Value menu to ‘Phone Number’ (telling the system to look for the phone number that originated the call for the workflow session).
The Type menu options included are:
Linked IDs: The LinkedIDs are identification numbers used to associate persons and accounts with each other.
Advanced: The Advanced field supports a custom, arbitrary value.
Source: The Source is the origination of the data; for example, the source number is the phone number used to call the inbound phone number.
Details: The Details are interaction specific data points and include a variety of options like Type, Points, Salesforce User ID, Tags, etc.
Routing Details: The Routing Details are specific details regarding the path the communication took when being created as an interaction and include Inbound Number, Inbound Number Name, Channel Key, and Email.
Comm Type: The Comm Type is the method in which the interaction was created; this can be phone, email, SMS, etc.
Variable: The Variable option is the way you specify exactly what data you want to be placed in an Interaction Field; like if you want all interactions passed through a workflow to update the Subject to ‘Ready for Review’.
Database: The Database menu allows you to select which of the fields in your custom databases or CRMs, like Salesforce or Zendesk, that you want to use when referencing the data you want to change. The menu options vary based on the database/CRM connections. You must select ‘Linked IDs’ from the Type menu for the Database menu to populate on the screen.
Object: The Object menu allows you to select which specific object, or piece of data, to reference within your custom databases/CRMs that you want to change. The menu options vary here based on the database/CRM connections you have configured to your account. You must make a menu selection from the Database menu for the Objects menu to populate on the screen.
Value: The Value menu allows you to select which specific piece of data that the system looks for in the workflow session for use when updating the interaction. This data is targeted based on the selection made in the Type menu. When ‘Advanced’ or ‘Variable’ is selected in the Type menu, this is a text field instead of a menu where you input a specific variable or hard coded piece of data.
Action menu (Status section)
The Action menu gives you the ability to define an event status action to be performed by this module. This means that you’re updating from the interaction’s current event status to this new one.
These actions vary widely and can apply to the interaction itself, the workflow session that the interaction is routing through, and more. Updating an interaction’s event status allows for more fine tuned reporting and/or additional details available to queue users when the interaction waits in the queue amongst other things.
The Action menu options include these actions:
Answer: Answers the interaction for the user.
Attended Transfer: Initiates the attended transfer process.
Attended Transfer Answer: Causes the user to answer a request for an attended transfer.
Attended Transfer Cancel: Causes an in-process attended transfer to cancel. The interaction returns to the user who initiated the transfer.
Attended Transfer Complete: Causes the attended transfer process to complete. The interaction changes assignment to the recipient.
Attended Transfer Warm: Causes the attended transfer to go through the "warm" process where the transferring user, the recipient, and the customer are all on the call so that the transferring user can introduce the customer to the recipient user.
Blind Transfer: Initiates a blind transfer.
Blind Transfer Complete: Completes a blind transfer.
Call: Starts the phone call on the interaction.
Call End: Ends the phone call on the interaction.
Callback: Calls the customer back after a call ends.
Change CommType: Changes the communication type of the interaction.
Channel HungUp: Marks when either side of a phone call hangs up.
Clear: Removes the queue user's as the assigned user when an interaction reaches the user's ring time without being answered.
Close Interaction Tab: Closes the user's open interaction tab.
Continue Recording: Initiates the audio recording of the interaction.
Email Received: Indicates when an email has been received.
Email Sent: Indicates when an email has been sent.
End Interaction User: Indicates that the queue user ended the interaction by clicking the Close:Resolved button instead of the customer or system terminating the session.
External Transfer Attended: Initiates the external attended transfer process.
External Transfer Attended Answer: Causes the user to answer a request for an external attended transfer.
External Transfer Attended Cancel: Causes an in-process external attended transfer to cancel. The interaction returns to the user who initiated the transfer.
External Transfer Attended Complete: Causes the attended transfer process to complete.
External Transfer Attended Warm: Causes the external attended transfer to go through the "warm" process where the transferring user, the recipient, and the customer are all on the call so that the transferring user can introduce the customer to the recipient user.
External Transfer Blind: Immediately initiates and completes an external blind transfer.
Hang Up: Hangs up the user's phone call.
Hold: Toggles the user's hold status on a call on or off.
Join: Indicates when a user joins a conference session.
Leave: Indicates when a user leaves a conference session.
LinkedIds Removed: Indicates when LinkedId data previously recorded is removed from the session.
Messaging End Customer: Indicates when the customer ended a web chat communication from their end.
Mute: Toggles mute the call.
Open Interaction Tab: Opens the interaction tab for the user.
Reject: Rejects an interaction.
Start Live Transcription: Starts live transcription on the interaction.
Stop Live Transcription: Stops live transcription on the interaction.
Stop Recording: Stops the audio recording of the interaction.
Take Ownership: Switches ownership of the interaction to the user.
Transfer: Opens the interaction transfer window allowing the agent to choose to make a blind or attended transfer.
Viewer Add: Adds a user as a viewer to the call.
Viewer Call: Adds a viewing user to the call as a participant.
Viewer Call End: Removes a viewing user from the call as a participant.
Viewer Mute: Mutes a viewing user on the call.
Viewer Remove: Removes a user as a viewer from the call.
Viewer Update: Modifies the viewing user on the call.
Voicemail Save: Ends a voicemail recording session and saves it.
Voicemail Start: Starts a voicemail recording session.
Voicemail Start Clear Timeout: Clears the timeout count upon the start of the voicemail process.
Workflow Exit: Indicates when a user has been routed through a workflow process but exits the workflow before completion.
Workflow Hang Up: Indicates when a workflow terminates a call session.
Workflow Start: Indicates when a workflow process has started.
WrapUp Extend: Extends the wrap up process for a user in wrap up.