Overview: Interaction knowledge tab
(Edify App)

Edify App > Queue > Interactions > Overview: Interaction knowledge tab (Edify App)

This article provides an overview of the interaction knowledge tab in Edify App.

In this article


In Edify App, the knowledge tab is a standard tab available to queue users through the customer interaction workspace. This tab provides you access to searching, opening, and reviewing knowledge base articles published to your company’s Edify knowledge base. You can access these articles during a customer interaction. The icon for the knowledge tab is an open book.

Note: An admin must enable this tab to make it available in a Queue.

Knowledge base articles

The knowledge tab gives you access to all knowledge base articles published in your knowledge base. 

After you accept an interaction in the queue, navigate to the knowledge tab and click on it. Then search for the knowledge base article you need.

Visual breakdown


Here are some tips for using the knowledge tab:

The knowledge base articles are created and published by your Edify admin in Edify Console under the Content menu.

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