Transfer calls to a coworker from softphone (App)
This article explains how to transfer calls to a coworker from softphone in App.
In this article
In App, you can transfer softphone calls to your coworkers. While on a softphone call, you’ll start the transfer process by opening the Transfer (see annotation A in the screenshot below) and selecting Custom.
From here, there are three ways you can transfer a call to a coworker:
Attended transfer: Complete an attended transfer if you want to warmly hand off the caller to your coworker.
Attended conference transfer: Complete an attended transfer and then bring all the callers together into one conference conversation. Read Conference a person into a call for more details.
Blind transfer: Complete a blind transfer if you want to send the caller directly to your coworker.
Voicemail transfer: Send the call to your coworker’s voicemail so that they can leave them a voicemail message.
For more information on the types of transfers, check out the Overview: Softphone transfers (App) article.
Attended transfer to a coworker
While on an active call through the softphone, open the transfer menu.
2. Select Custom.
3. Initiate the intended transfer.
a. Find your coworker by typing into the Number or Contact field or looking them up with the Address Book.
b. Click the Attended Transfer button.
c. The system instantly places the caller on hold and starts calling your coworker.
d. Wait for your coworker to answer.
4. Complete the attended transfer.
a. Once they answer the attended transfer, you’ll be connected and can speak to your coworker while the other caller is on hold.
b. When you’re ready for the hand off, click the Transfer button to complete the attended transfer.
c. Notice the call ends for you and the softphone workspace closes.
Attended conference transfer
While on an active call through the softphone, open the transfer menu.
2. Select Custom.
3. Initiate the attended transfer:
a. Find your coworker by typing into the Number or Contact field or looking them up with the Address Book.
b. Click the Attended Transfer button.
c. The system instantly places the caller on hold and starts calling your coworker.
d. Wait for your coworker to answer.
4. Complete the attended conference transfer:
a. Once they answer the attended transfer, you’ll be connected and you can speak to your coworker while the other caller is on hold.
b. When you’re ready for the hand off, click the Conference button to complete the attended conference transfer.
c. All calls are merged.
Blind transfer to coworker
While on an active call through the softphone, open the transfer menu.
2. Select Custom.
3. Find your coworker by typing into the Number or Contact field or looking them up with the Address Book.
4. Once you find your coworker, click the Completed Transfer button.
5. Notice the system instantly starts transferring the caller to your coworker.
6. Notice your softphone call ends and the softphone workspace closes.
Send call to coworker's voicemail
While on an active call through the softphone, open the transfer menu.
2. Select Custom.
3. Find your coworker by typing into the Number or Contact field or looking them up with the Address Book.
4. Once you find your coworker, click the Voicemail button.
5. The call is transferred to your coworkers voicemail.
6. The softphone call ends and the softphone workspace closes.