Overview: Queue container in Queues (Console)

Console > Queues > Queue container in Queues (Console)

This article explains the basic queue settings available to you when configuring a queue in Console.

In this article


In Console, the Queue container is where you view and define the basic information and configurations for the queue.

Queue container in queue workspace.

In Console, navigate to Queues > [Queue] > Queue container.

This is the first container displayed upon opening a queue’s settings. It’s one of several containers within a queue’s settings where you configure the experience for the agents working in this queue and the experience for customers that reach this queue.

Container breakdown


The Name field is where you define a unique title, or name, for the queue. 

Note: The name field is restricted to a maximum of 50 characters.


The Extension field is where you assign the queue to a specific extension number. When a queue has an individual extension, people can more easily communicate with the available agent(s) in the queue, like directly calling the queue or transferring to the queue by just dialing the extension.

Routing Method

The Routing Method toggle allows you to specify how interactions are routed to agents. There is one routing option:

Tag Routing

The Tag Routing toggle defines how the system prioritizes tagged interactions compared to untagged interactions. A workflow with a Modify Tags workflow module is necessary to assign tags to an interaction. Tag Routing optimizes routing interactions in two ways: 

Outbound Caller ID

The Outbound Caller ID menu allows you to define which of your account phone numbers is the phone number that appears as the Caller ID when a call is created from this queue. It is the number that is displayed to customers.

Outbound Email Address 

The Outbound Email Address menu is where you select the email address used when an email is sent from this queue. You must first configure at least one email address in order to use this setting. Additionally, configure this queue to have the Email Tab enabled under the Tabs container to give queue users assigned to this queue access to managing email interactions hosted in this queue.


The Weight field is where you input a positive, whole number to define the queue’s weight, or the level of importance, compared to the weight of your other queues. See Overview: Weight setting in Queues (Console).

Number Validation Country

The Number Validation field is where you choose the country code for calls in the queue. This information is used for validating phone calls in the queue.

Force Number Validation

The Force Number Validation toggle is where you choose if the validity result using the Number Validation Country menu information, should be used to determine if an interaction is created or not.

Audio Recording

The Audio Recording toggle allows you to enable or disable the system from recording a voice interaction once it enters the queue. This can be done through a workflow or when a queue user elects to record the interaction as long as the queue has Audio Recording User Permissions enabled.

Audio Recording User Permissions

The Audio Recording User Permissions toggle lets you decide if you want to allow queue users to manually start and stop recording a voice interaction.

Live Transcription User

The Live Transcription user toggle is where you choose to enable or disable transcription of the queue user’s spoken words - and any spoken words by an interaction viewer that decides to barge into the conversation.

Live Transcription Customer

The Live Transcription user toggle is where you choose to enable or disable transcription of the customer’s spoken words.

Wrap Up Timer - Seconds

The Wrap Up Timer - Seconds field is where you define the number of seconds queue users have to disposition the interaction once an interaction enters Wrap Up status. Once this timer expires, the interactions will close, even if the user is not done wrapping up the interaction. If this field is left blank, users have an unlimited amount of time to disposition and wrap-up the interaction.

Note: You must enter a positive, whole number into this field.

Wrap Up Extend - Seconds

The Wrap Up Extend - Seconds field is where you define the number of seconds queue users can extend the Wrap Up Timer while an interaction is in Wrap Up status. When enabled, an additional button will appear to the right of the Wrap Up button. The button remains available to users until there are fewer than 5 seconds left on the Wrap Up Timer. At this time, the button disappears and the user can no longer extend the wrap up timer.

The wrap up extend button is useful if the user needs a little extra time to accurately disposition an interaction. 

Note: You must enter a positive, whole number into this field.

Phone Allow Closed Unresolved

The Phone Allow Closed Unresolved toggle is where you choose to enable or disable the queue user’s ability to mark a phone call interaction they own as ‘Close: Unresolved’.

Allow Owner to Set Viewer as Owner

The Allow Owner to Set Viewer as Owner toggle is where you choose to enable or disable the queue user’s access to change the ownership of an interaction from themselves to an active viewer of the interaction.

Allow Owner to Mute Viewer

The Allow Owner to Mute Viewer toggle is where you choose to enable or disable the queue user assigned to the interaction’s access to muting an active viewer’s audio.

Allow Owner to Remove Viewer

The Allow Owner to Remove Viewer toggle is where you choose to enable or disable the ability of the queue user assigned to the interaction to remove another queue user from viewing their interaction.

Allow Owner Invite

The Allow Owner Invite toggle is where you choose to enable or disable the ability of the queue user assigned to the interaction to invite another queue user to view the interaction.

Do Not Move to Completed on Hangup

The Do Not Move to Completed on Hangup toggle is where you choose to enable or disable the system to automatically change voice interactions that are hung up to ‘Completed’ status.

ChromeOS Desk

The ChomeOS Desk toggle is where you choose if queue user’s can manage the interaction along with Google’s ChromeOS Desk application, which allows users to configure ‘desktop’ settings to automatically open and close defined applications to align with interaction requirements.

Queue Enabled/Disabled toggle

The Queue Enabled/Disabled toggle is where you disable the queue to move it from active to inactive. When disabling the queue, all the data related to the queue is still accessible in reports and queue users still have access to finishing any interactions currently in Connected status within the queue. Once you have confirmed that you want to disable the queue, it is removed from the Queues list page and can no longer be accessed.


The Template field tells you if a template is being used to define all of the queue settings. Templates are used so multiple queues can operate with the same basic settings.