Overview: Insert workflow module (Console)

Console > Workflows > Workflow modules > Overview: Insert workflow module (Console)

This article explains the Insert workflow module in Console.

In this article


The Insert workflow module is used to add data to an external database like Salesforce, Zendesk, or a custom database (MySQL, MS SQL, or PostgreSQL). With the Insert Module, you can gather data from an interaction or workflow and save it on an external database so that it can be retrieved later.

You can create integrations between avaya.cx and external databases in the Integrations workspace in Console (Account > Integrations).

This article explains the general structure of the Insert module and how you can use it to add data from a workflow to your external database.

Configuring the Insert module

Once you’ve added an Insert module to your workflow, you can double-click it to open and configure it. By configuring the Insert module, you can choose:

Insert section

The Insert section is where you build out the data you want to save to the database. Once the Insert module is added to the editor, double-click it to open it. The module’s configuration panel opens on the right side of the editor, and you’ll be presented with a screen like the screenshot below:

The initial settings available for editing are:

The Database dropdown menu shows you all of the types of database you’ve configured in Console (Account > Integrations). This is where you can tell the Insert module what type of database you want to add data to 

Note: Options only appear in the Database dropdown menu if you’ve already successfully configured an integration with Salesforce, Zendesk, or a custom database.

For the purposes of this overview, we can select Salesforce as the type of database to insert data into.

Once a database is selected from the Database menu,, a new dropdown menu appears: Connection. This is where you choose the specific type of connection you want to use.

In the screenshot above, we’ve selected the connection called default. Once we select the connection, a new dropdown menu appears: Object.

The Object dropdown menu is where you choose the table you want to insert data into.

Once you select an object, a row containing two input fields appears directly below the Object dropdown menu:

In addition to these three, if you select Variable or Advanced under the Type menu, you’ll see an additional text field called Value.

Tip: Everything left of the arrow is on  Salesforce (or a custom database). Everything right of the arrow is on the Edify side.

The purpose of the Insert module is to put new data on a database table. In the screenshot above, the workflow is taking two elements from an interaction (the Name and the Phone Number) and mapping it to properties of the Contact object in Salesforce. 

Set Variables section

The Set Variables section is where you can optionally take values from the resource you create from the insert action and map them to variables; you can then use those variables  in the workflow. This section is optional, so you don’t need to complete it for the module to function.

For example, if your Salesforce instance (or custom database) automatically generates a unique identifier for a record when it’s created, you could return this record as a variable. You could then use the variable for various purposes in the workflow, including variable replacement in workflows.

Use case

One use case for the Insert module is in an embedded workflow to add a case to Salesforce during an interaction.

For example, suppose that you want an outbound sales queue user to be able to add a new contact to Salesforce mid-interaction once they qualify a prospect. You could create an embedded workflow that runs the Insert module to add the new contact to Salesforce.

The screenshot below shows the structure of the Insert module. In this example, when the embedded workflow runs, the insert module creates a new case in the Case object in Salesforce. It assigns three fields: 

You could add as much or as little information as you’d like when creating a case with the Insert module. 

Once the case has been added to Salesforce, you could use another module like the Look Up module and Update module to look up data about the case for future interactions or modify data, respectively.

Visual breakdown

Exterior structure

This is the exterior structure of an Insert module. All modules share this same structure.  

Reference the Overview: Workflow modules article to take a deeper dive into each of these components.

Interior structure

Below is the deep dive explanation for each interior area of the Insert module.

The type menu is where you select what kind of value you want to query or map to. In most circumstances, these are properties of an interaction.