Data source: Inbound Call Data (App)

App > Analytics > Data source: Inbound Call Data (App)

The Inbound Call Data data source is a collection of tables you can use to build user call data reports in App.

In this article


The Inbound Call Data data source is one of several data sources available for creating reports in App. To learn more about data sources in general, please see: Overview: Data sources for reports (App).

With the Inbound Call Data data source, you can create reports that show you the technical information behind phone calls made to your account from remote sources. 

Here are a few examples of what are considered remote sources: like a business partner outside of your company, a person calling an employee’s direct extension, or a person calling one of your employee’s DID (direct inbound dial phone number) that’s routed to the user’s extension. 

In other words, this data source contains tables that help you track and see data around calls made to users on your account from external sources.

You can use this data source to retrieve information like:

This data source shows you information about phone calls made to your account from remote destinations.

Use case

The most commonly created report with this data source is an inbound call data report.

With an inbound call data report, you can see the technical details of inbound calls to your users from remote sources. This is particularly useful for viewing technical details for calls on specific interactions.

For example, you can use this data source to see if there were connection issues on an interaction. This is represented in the number of packets that were sent or received, and how many of those packets were not successfully delivered (or “lost”).


Contains general information related to your organization’s account.

This information includes your organization’s name, address, and other basic configuration details.

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Contains information about calls made from a remote destination to your account.

This information includes the names and numbers of parties on the call and the quality of the call.

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Contains all of the general information of an interaction.

This information includes the type of interaction, when it was created, when it was completed, who handles it, and several other data points.

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Contains information about workflow sessions.

This information includes when the workflow session began, when it ended, and the current item being processed in the session.

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